Psalm 108 - My Heart, O God, Is Steadfast
Winner of the Church of the Servant 2024 New Psalm Contest, in memory of Ben Fackler
My heart, O God, is steadfast;
I’ll sing with all my soul.
Awake, O harp, and join my song!
I will awake the dawn.
With all my heart I’ll thank You,
Sing praise through all the earth;
For higher than the heavens above
Is Your enduring love.
Be exalted, O God, o’er the heavens!
Let Your glory reign over all the earth!
O, come and save the ones You love;
O, come and answer me,
O, come and answer me.
The Lord has promised vict’ry,
But God, where are You now?
All human help is sought in vain,
For only You can save.
Instrumental Bridge
O lead us in the battle;
Give help against the foe.
With You we shall be strong and brave,
For You are sure to save.
Chorus 2x, repeat first verse with tag
© 2024 Elizabeth Busch Letourneau. CCLI Song #7249837
Winner of the Church of the Servant 2024 New Psalm Contest, in memory of Ben Fackler
My heart, O God, is steadfast;
I’ll sing with all my soul.
Awake, O harp, and join my song!
I will awake the dawn.
With all my heart I’ll thank You,
Sing praise through all the earth;
For higher than the heavens above
Is Your enduring love.
Be exalted, O God, o’er the heavens!
Let Your glory reign over all the earth!
O, come and save the ones You love;
O, come and answer me,
O, come and answer me.
The Lord has promised vict’ry,
But God, where are You now?
All human help is sought in vain,
For only You can save.
Instrumental Bridge
O lead us in the battle;
Give help against the foe.
With You we shall be strong and brave,
For You are sure to save.
Chorus 2x, repeat first verse with tag
© 2024 Elizabeth Busch Letourneau. CCLI Song #7249837