Alleluia, Christ Our Savior
Alleluia Christ our Savior
Alleluia Christ our friend
Alleluia Christ is risen
Brings His Kingdom without end
Alleluia Christ has conquered
Triumphed over death and hell
Alleluia He has freed us
He shall wear the victor’s crown
Alleluia we adore You
Welcome You victorious Lord
Fill our hearts with joy and gladness
As we hear Your gracious word
{gospel reading here}
Alleluia alleluia
Take Your rightful throne above
Alleluia alleluia
Lord of mercy Lord of love
© 2023 Elizabeth Busch Letourneau. CCLI #7236788
Alleluia Christ our Savior
Alleluia Christ our friend
Alleluia Christ is risen
Brings His Kingdom without end
Alleluia Christ has conquered
Triumphed over death and hell
Alleluia He has freed us
He shall wear the victor’s crown
Alleluia we adore You
Welcome You victorious Lord
Fill our hearts with joy and gladness
As we hear Your gracious word
{gospel reading here}
Alleluia alleluia
Take Your rightful throne above
Alleluia alleluia
Lord of mercy Lord of love
© 2023 Elizabeth Busch Letourneau. CCLI #7236788